Project Description:
I am looking for two student researchers to work with me on a project on sex work and politics in the postwar era. The overall project looks at the emergence of sex-worker activism in the 1970s in France and potentially in the US and UK. I am also interested in the discussions and debates on sex work at this time and how they became ways to express anxieties about race, immigration, women’s mobility, and loosening sexual morality. One student will be researching the secondary literature on sex work in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century and the related campaigns against trafficking. The second will be researching the contemporary social science and legal scholarship on sex work and human trafficking. These are both large scholarly literatures and provide an essential background to my project. The three of us will come together weekly to discuss what we are working on, what we have found, and how we can weave together the different strands of research in which we are engaging. The students will also be writing annotated bibliographies and at the end of the summer will turn in literature reviews summarizing key points of consensus or disagreement among scholars.
Students should have taken at least one 200 level class in European history.
Special Comments
Project Information
Estimated Start Date: 6/3/2024
Estimated End Date: 8/9/2024
Maximum number of students sought: 2
Contact Information: Prof. Sarah Horowitz (