Linguistic Cues and Emotion Perceptions (Prof. Holly Shablack)

2 students are sought for a project on “Linguistic Cues and Emotion Perceptions” with Prof. Holly Shablack that will begin on 6/1/2024 and last for 8 weeks

Project Description:

The Language and Affective Science Lab will be recruiting for two specific projects. Project one: Prior research suggests that multilingual individuals may adjust their emotion perceptions depending on the context that they are in and language that they are speaking. This study aims to extend this literature beyond emotion perception to examine how individual experience and regulate emotions. Participants will view various visual and auditory stimuli that is meant to induce emotions and will assess individuals self-reported experience of emotions, reactions, and subsequent regulation strategies. Importantly we will manipulate the language that the study is completed in and assess whether individuals’ reactions and regulatory patterns differ based on the language that they complete the study in. Research assistants will be expected to help finalized study design, stimuli, and be involved in data cleanup and analysis. Project two: The second proposed study examines the impact of gender and emotion stereotypes on emotion perception. Prior work suggests that emotion stereotypes influence how we perceive emotions both in others and ourselves. However, much of this work is older and may not reflect current patterns of behavior amongst newer generations, nor does it assess what information is necessary for individuals to access and be influenced by these stereotypes. This project will assess whether manipulating one feature of language may lead to specific emotion perception judgments in a cross-sectional design.


Familiarity or interest: – in using R for statistical analysis – psychological research and study design – Qualtrics – gaining skills in academic writing

Special Comments

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/1/2024

Estimated End Date: 7/26/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 2

Contact Information: Prof. Holly Shablack (