Connected Women: Religion, Text and Network in the Early Modern World (Prof. Genelle Gertz)

2 students are sought for a project on “Connected Women: Religion, Text and Network in the Early Modern World” with Prof. Genelle Gertz that will begin on 6/3/2024 and last for 8 weeks

Project Description:

I am co-editing an interdisciplinary volume of essays on early modern women, religion and networks. My co-editor (Prof. of English Erin McCarthy at University of Galway) and I have gathered several scholars in the fields of English and History who are contributors to the volume, and we will convene some zoom meetings over the summer for these contributors to share the progress of their chapters and the questions they are working on. I am looking for students to help me update the scholarly literature section I have already drafted for the book proposal. It would involve reading books and articles relating to networks, women, and religion in the early modern time period. I envision the students participating in the zoom sessions with contributors to hear them present their work and talk through their writing and scholarly questions. For anyone who thinks they might want to pursue research in the post-graduate setting, this experience would be valuable. It would also be valuable to anyone considering graduate school in English, Religion or History.


It would help to have completed upper-level courses on early modern history, either English, European or global; or in religion and women; or in upper-level English courses that focus on the pre-1700 period. However, I will consider someone without those prerequisites as long as they are eager to read scholarly books and articles on these areas.

Special Comments

This work can be completed on campus or remotely. There won’t be any archival trips. Any manuscripts we review from the time period will be digitized and in English.

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/3/2024

Estimated End Date: 7/26/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 2

Contact Information: Prof. Genelle Gertz (

From Shakespeare to Sci Fi (Prof. Holly Pickett)

4 students are sought for a project on “From Shakespeare to Sci Fi” with Prof. Holly Pickett that will begin on 6/3/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

Come join a small, but mighty team of collaborative scholars as we read, watch, and discuss three main texts as a cohort: Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Emily St. John Mandel’s 2015 novel, Station Eleven, and the 2021 MAX limited series based on the novel. I am researching the way that the limited series uses Shakespeare’s Hamlet as a therapeutic text and also the theatrical style and stagecraft employed in the various stagings of the play-within-the-television show. If you have an interest in the intersection of literature, theater, and film/television, this research project is for you!


A background in literature, theater, or film is a plus

Special Comments

The team may include several AIM scholars, so the ability to be on campus during the 5 weeks of the AIM program (June 15-July 20) are preferred and an interest in mentoring incoming students is a definite plus.

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/3/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/9/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 4

Contact Information: Prof. Holly Pickett (

Shenandoah Literary Magazine Summer Publishing (Prof. Beth Staples)

2 students are sought for a project on “Shenandoah Literary Magazine Summer Publishing” with Prof. Beth Staples that will begin on 6/3/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

Shenandoah is a biannual literary magazine that publishes writers and artists of fiction, creative nonfiction, comics, poetry, and more from all over the world, including Pulitzer Prize winners and poet laureates. One of the oldest and most respected literary magazines in the country, Shenandoah is about to celebrate its 75th anniversary. Our blog and social media accounts feature all kind of promotional content—author interviews, videos, “Behind the Poem” essays, Instagram takeovers, and more. This summer I am seeking two summer scholars to work alongside an AIM student to support Shenandoah in a few ways: to assist with the reading of nonfiction submissions, to work with contributors from our spring issue to create blog and social media content, to work on the design of important website updates, and to assist with planning for various events to celebrate our anniversary in 2025. This is an invaluable experience for students to work directly with contemporary writers and to gain experience in editing, interviewing, marketing and promotion, and event planning.


No specific prerequisites, though an interest in creative writing is preferred.

Special Comments

Much of this work can be done virtually with Zoom checkin-ins, and I’m happy to host the two students over different time periods, for part or all of the ten weeks. My preference would be that students could definitely work during the AIM in-person program, from June 15 to July 20, so that our AIM has student colleagues to collaborate with. But I’d be happy to discussions what works best, schdule-wise, with SRS applicants.

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/3/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/9/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 2

Contact Information: Prof. Beth Staples (