Bioremediation of Emerging Contaminants (Prof. Margaret Anne Hinkle)

3 students are sought for a project on “Bioremediation of Emerging Contaminants” with Prof. Margaret Anne Hinkle that will begin on 6/17/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

Using both biomineralizing fungi as well as the resulting biominerals, we aim to continue our work on coal mine drainage remediation and apply these same principles to rare earth elements sequestration or PFAS remediation, depending on student interest and site availability.



Special Comments

The research will definitely involve lab work and may involve field work in Pennsylvania depending on site availability and student interest. We will be applying for funds to support a trip to the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C. to analyze our samples with their excellent instrumentation.

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/17/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/23/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 3

Contact Information: Prof. Margaret Anne Hinkle (