Foundational book research: “For the lulz: Community through Antifandom.” (Prof. Jaime Roots)

1 student is sought for a project on “Foundational book research: “For the lulz: Community through Antifandom.” ” with Prof. Jaime Roots that will begin on 6/3/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

The aspect of fandom is largely ignored when discussing cybermobbing behavior. Cybermobbers might not be fans, but in this project we will investigate those who can be defined as antifans or people who form fandoms around something “that they delightfully detest.” Even if the approach to the material might seem different, the types of behaviors fans and antifans engage in and their emotional investment is very often the same. This research is an important contribution to current discussions surrounding the spread of (mis)information, the role of social media companies in the protection of civil and human rights, and discussions of protections of freedom of speech. Researcher goals for the project: (1) aid in conducting primary research by investigating German-language websites and forums. (2) conduct secondary research in various interdisciplinary areas such as German, Folklore, Fan, and New Media Studies in both English and German. (3) further the researcher’s language development in reading, writing, and speaking


Advanced German-language skills

Special Comments

Research can be conducted remotely throughout the summer

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/3/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/9/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 1

Contact Information: Prof. Jaime Roots (