Digital Approaches to W&L History (Profs. Mackenzie Brooks and Paula Kiser)

Up to 2 more students are sought for a project on “Digital Approaches to W&L History” with Prof. Mackenzie Brooks that will begin on 6/3/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

Leyburn Library seeks students interested in institutional history research opportunities for the summer of 2024. Working collaboratively, the Library and W&L students have begun building research portals and digital exhibits on major themes in the history of W&L. This work involves digging into archival material in Special Collections, processing it to make it available digitally, and interpreting the material for a public audience. This summer we will be focusing on the topics of Athletics, Environment Grounds & Buildings, Military life & Veterans (post-WWII), Latino, Latinas history & presence, Native American history & presence, and/or Scotch-Irish Founders. Students will gain experience in library and archival research skills, specifically digitization, metadata, digital exhibit creation, oral histories, digital scholarship, and public history. Students interested in careers in libraries/information science, cultural heritage, public history, museums, education, or creative fields are encouraged to apply.


No prerequisites, but coursework in History or DCI or research experience in Special Collections is valuable.

Special Comments

Students will be expected to serve as mentors for AIM program. Due to the hands-on nature of working with archival material, students should plan to be in Lexington for the duration of their summer research time.

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/3/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/9/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 2

Contact Information: Profs. Mackenzie Brooks ( and Paula Kiser (

Henry Strouss Performing Arts Collections Description Project (Profs. Mattie Clear and Kim Sims)

1 more student is sought for a project on “Henry Strouss Performing Arts Collections Description Project” with Prof. Mattie Clear that will begin on 6/10/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

This project is a continuation of work that began last summer with the Henry Strouss Performing Arts Collection Description Project. This collection is approximately 35 linear feet and spread over approximately 60 boxes that contain a wide array of topics related to the performing arts including but not limited to theater, orchestral, opera, dance, choral performances. The SRS student(s) selected for this project will work closely with Mattie Clear, Archivist, and Kim Sims, Associate University Librarian, to continue the work necessary to preserve and make this collection accessible according to archival standards. More information about the collection and what has already been completed is available at –


While it is not required, it is strongly encouraged that the SRS student(s) helping with this project have experience with or an appreciation of the performing arts. This project requires a base knowledge of concepts within this realm and the ability to complete research to better understand the materials they will be describing. It is important to consider not only the items themselves, but also how researchers may use the collection in the future and what information would be most helpful to those researchers.

Special Comments

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/10/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/16/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 1

Contact Information: Profs. Mattie Clear ( and Kim Sims (

Create a detailed and interactive online map of W&L’s back campus (Prof. John Tombarge)

1 student is sought for a project on “Create a detailed and interactive online map of W&L’s back campus” with Prof. John Tombarge that will begin on 6/3/24 and last for 6 weeks

Project Description:

The goal of this project is to use Geographic Information System software (ArcGIS) to create an online interactive map of the back campus, which will include 360 degree photos that showcase the different areas of the back campus. This project involves education and utilization of advanced GIS software mechanics, including applying LIDAR scans of the back campus. The map will display all trails, the gazebo, and the disc golf course. The map would provide better exposure for the various opportunities the back offers.


Special Comments

The student will need to apply themselves to learning the ArcGIS software.

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/3/24

Estimated End Date: 7/12/24

Maximum number of students sought: 1

Contact Information: Prof. John Tombarge (

Career Exploration in Libraries (Prof. K.T. Vaughan)

2 students are sought for a project on “Career Exploration in Libraries” with Prof. K.T. Vaughan that will begin on 6/4/24 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

This summer research project explores the reasons why librarians, especially people of color and with other minoritized identities, choose a career in libraries. Students will participate in five activities: 1: Structured readings about librarianship as a career choice in order to contribute to an ongoing annotated bibliography. 2: Informational interviews and/or shadowing experiences with W&L librarians, W&L alumni working in libraries, and librarians across the country including in public, school, academic, and special libraries. 3: Participation in library professional development activities, including the possibility of travel to a professional conference, alongside W&L librarians. 4: Data collection and analysis for studies on topics of recruitment and retention of librarians, including student awareness of librarianship as a career. 5: Reflective practice intended to explore the Scholar’s career goals in the context of the summer research. Past participants created a student survey to assess awareness of librarianship as a career, explored topics including anti-racist collection development and work-life balance, created an employment website for the libraries, attended a professional conference, and connected with librarians across Virginia.


An interest in exploring librarianship as a career (though not necessarily for oneself). Experience with literature-based and social science research is helpful. Some familiarity with library work, either from work or volunteering is helpful.

Special Comments

Start and end dates are flexible. While the scholars should be on campus, much of the research and reflective work can happen independently. Informational interviews and structured reading discussions may happen in person or virtually depending on the people involved. There may be some field trips to regional libraries.

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/4/24

Estimated End Date: 8/9/24

Maximum number of students sought: 2

Contact Information: Prof. K.T. Vaughan (

Pedagogical Approaches to AI-driven Web Development for Non-Tech Professionals (Prof. Jeff Barry)

1 student is sought for a project on “Pedagogical Approaches to AI-driven Web Development for Non-Tech Professionals” with Prof. Jeff Barry that will begin on 6/10/24 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

This summer research project explores strategies for introducing non-technical audiences to the complexities of developing web applications powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The project seeks to identify methods for demystifying the process of integrating AI technologies into web development for individuals lacking a programming background. Through a detailed examination of various educational methodologies, the project will focus on curriculum design, best practices, and learning tools for conveying complex technical concepts in an accessible manner. The ultimate goal is to create a framework for empowering non-tech professionals with the knowledge and skills to participate in the creation and management of AI-driven products and services.


Some experience in programming.

Special Comments


Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/10/24

Estimated End Date: 8/16/24

Maximum number of students sought: 1

Contact Information: Prof. Jeff Barry (

Software Development for Shenandoah Literary Magazine (Prof. Jeff Barry)

1 student is sought for a project on “Software Development for Shenandoah Literary Magazine” with Prof. Jeff Barry that will begin on 6/3/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

The Software Development for Shenandoah Literary Magazine project is a comprehensive initiative to enhance the magazine’s digital presence. Central to this project is the refactoring of the existing technical infrastructure, aimed at improving maintainability of the online platform. This process involves optimizing code and ensuring efficient functionality. The project focuses on developing a custom WordPress plugin, specifically tailored to the unique needs of a literary magazine. This plugin will introduce features to streamline content management, improve user engagement, and provide a more intuitive experience for readers. The WordPress plugin developed as part of this initiative will be made available as an open-source project, enabling other literary magazines to benefit from these efforts. This project advances research into the needs and challenges faced by online literary magazines. These insights can provide a roadmap for enhancements in online literary publishing.


Experience in coding PHP and WordPress themes/plugins.

Special Comments


Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/3/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/9/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 1

Contact Information: Prof. Jeff Barry (

Digital Approaches to W&L History (Profs. Mackenzie Brooks and Paula Kiser)

3 students are sought for a project on “Digital Approaches to W&L History” with Prof. Mackenzie Brooks that will begin on 6/3/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

Leyburn Library seeks students interested in institutional history research opportunities for the summer of 2024. Working collaboratively, the Library and W&L students have begun building research portals and digital exhibits on major themes in the history of W&L. This work involves digging into archival material in Special Collections, processing it to make it available digitally, and interpreting the material for a public audience. This summer we will be focusing on the topics of Athletics, Environment Grounds & Buildings, Military life & Veterans (post-WWII), Latino, Latinas history & presence, Native American history & presence, and/or Scotch-Irish Founders. Students will gain experience in library and archival research skills, specifically digitization, metadata, digital exhibit creation, oral histories, digital scholarship, and public history. Students interested in careers in libraries/information science, cultural heritage, public history, museums, education, or creative fields are encouraged to apply.


No prerequisites, but coursework in History or DCI or research experience in Special Collections is valuable.

Special Comments

Students will be expected to serve as mentors for AIM program. Due to the hands-on nature of working with archival material, students should plan to be in Lexington for the duration of their summer research time.

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/3/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/9/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 3

Contact Information: Profs. Mackenzie Brooks ( and Paula Kiser (

Henry Strouss Performing Arts Collections Description Project (Profs. Mattie Clear and Kim Sims)

2 students are sought for a project on “Henry Strouss Performing Arts Collections Description Project” with Prof. Mattie Clear that will begin on 6/10/2024 and last for 10 weeks

Project Description:

This project is a continuation of work that began last summer with the Henry Strouss Performing Arts Collection Description Project. This collection is approximately 35 linear feet and spread over approximately 60 boxes that contain a wide array of topics related to the performing arts including but not limited to theater, orchestral, opera, dance, choral performances. The SRS student(s) selected for this project will work closely with Mattie Clear, Archivist, and Kim Sims, Associate University Librarian, to continue the work necessary to preserve and make this collection accessible according to archival standards. More information about the collection and what has already been completed is available at –


While it is not required, it is strongly encouraged that the SRS student(s) helping with this project have experience with or an appreciation of the performing arts. This project requires a base knowledge of concepts within this realm and the ability to complete research to better understand the materials they will be describing. It is important to consider not only the items themselves, but also how researchers may use the collection in the future and what information would be most helpful to those researchers.

Special Comments

Project Information

Estimated Start Date: 6/10/2024

Estimated End Date: 8/16/2024

Maximum number of students sought: 2

Contact Information: Profs. Mattie Clear ( and Kim Sims (