Project Description:
Florence As It Was combines three-dimensional models of fifteen buildings, digitized documents, photogrammetric models of 180 art works, translations of early modern descriptions, and original interpretative essays in an academic, not-for-profit, web-based platform that aims to recreate major monuments of the Tuscan city as they appeared in the year 1500. Complete with a geo-referenced database of nearly 2000 images (searchable by artist name, title, date of installation, subject, patron, and iconography), users may use a high-resolution map of the city produced in 1584 locate and see artworks in their original locations as they appeared to audiences in the fifteenth century.
Students should be familiar spreadsheets and have some experience working with data. Students should also have taken at least one course in art history at W&L.
Special Comments
It would be wise to take ARTH 383 in Spring Term. But it’s not mandatory.
Project Information
Estimated Start Date: 6/15/2024
Estimated End Date: 8/23/2024
Maximum number of students sought: 3
Contact Information: Prof. George Bent (